The Power of Being a Peacemaker

The Power of Being a Peacemaker

The Power of Being a Peacemaker – by Nicole Agnew

Earlier this year I was blessed with the opportunity to present an online teaching on a woman in the Bible through Women at Work Online Ministries. I began preparing my heart and seeking the Lord with direction and confirmation on which woman He would like me to speak on - what message of hope and encouragement He needed to bring to the W@W family. 

It's Time to say Goodbye

It's Time to say Goodbye

It's time to say Goodbye

I’ve been feeling something that I haven’t been able to identify – grief!

Before I continue, let’s have a look at what grief is.

According to Wikipedia: “Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed.”

The truth is I lost myself. This might not be what you think. At the start of 2018 I knew that some changes needed to be made and I was finally ready to make them. 2018 stretched me like never before – it was challenging year with many adjustments. There were also a few unexpected speed bumps along the way –but that’s life, right? In November I went for my first surgery of what would be 3 in less than 6 months.



Transitioning is such a buzz word these days. You will hear this often by people going from straight hair to "natural" (no chemicals used) hair.

Well those who have had their hair go through this will know it's takes getting used to and in the beginning the "transitioning" can be both hard to manage and uncomfortable! Until those beautiful curls just start POPPING and you don't regret it for a second!

Similarly, seasons of transition in our lives are difficult!

A Crown of Beauty for Ashes

A Crown of Beauty for Ashes

We have all experienced hearing God speak to us when times are good and blessings seem to follow us wherever we go. We feel close to Him and receive confirmation upon confirmation that we are on the right path. These are normally the times when things just seem to fall into place - opportunities appear, doors open and abundance flows into our lives in more ways than one. We are consumed by extreme gratitude to God for His generosity and ample provision in our lives. It’s easy to say “God is good” when you receive a bonus you didn’t expect, when a big client signs a deal with you or something utterly amazing happens.



At the ever awkward arrival of my pubescent stage of life, I could not only feel the physical changes to my body, but the emotional changes as well. I felt a great sense of needing to belong.  I struggled with an incessant need to express myself - as I found myself on many occasions feeling lonely, unwanted, unpretty and even bullied.